The Lover's Wish (Poem by Victor Hugo)

"The Lover's Wish" by Victor Hugo is a passionate and evocative exploration of love, desire, and the transformative power of nature.
the Old Poems

The Lover's Wish
By Victor Hugo

Oh! were I the leaf that the wind of the West,
His course through the forest uncaring;
To sleep on the gale or the wave's placid breast
In a pendulous cradle is bearing.

All fresh with the morn's balmy kiss would I haste,
As the dewdrops upon me were glancing;
When Aurora sets out on the roseate waste,
And round her the breezes are dancing.

On the pinions of air I would fly, I would rush
Thro' the glens and the valleys to quiver;
Past the mountain ravine, past the grove's dreamy hush,
And the murmuring fall of the river.

By the darkening hollow and bramble-bush lane,
To catch the sweet breath of the roses;
Past the land would I speed, where the sand-driven plain
'Neath the heat of the noonday reposes.

Past the rocks that uprear their tall forms to the sky,
Whence the storm-fiend his anger is pouring;
Past lakes that lie dead, tho' the tempest roll nigh,
And the turbulent whirlwind be roaring.

On, on would I fly, till a charm stopped my way,
A charm that would lead to the bower;
Where the daughter of Araby sings to the day,
At the dawn and the vesper hour.

Then hovering down on her brow would I light,
'Midst her golden tresses entwining;
That gleam like the corn when the fields are bright,
And the sunbeams upon it shining.

A single frail gem on her beautiful head,
I should sit in the golden glory;
And prouder I'd be than the diadem spread
Round the brow of kings famous in story.

Poem Analysis:

Victor Hugo's poem, "The Lover's Wish," is a vivid and passionate expression of longing and desire. Through the metaphorical journey of a leaf carried by the wind, the poem explores themes of freedom, beauty, and the overwhelming intensity of love. Hugo's lyrical language and vivid imagery transport the reader into a world where nature and love intertwine, creating a sense of romantic ecstasy and yearning.


  1. The Power of Nature: The poem celebrates the elemental force of nature, depicting the leaf's flight as an exhilarating and liberating experience. Nature is portrayed as a realm of beauty and wonder that captivates and inspires the lover's heart.
  2. Romantic Desire: At its core, "The Lover's Wish" is a poem of intense desire. The speaker longs to be close to their beloved, to touch and caress them. The leaf's journey represents the lover's yearning for physical and emotional intimacy.
  3. The Transformative Nature of Love: Love is portrayed as a transformative force that elevates the lover's experience and transports them to a world of heightened sensations and emotions. The beloved is seen as a source of radiant beauty and inspiration.

Structure and Language:

  1. Stanza Structure: The poem is composed of 8 quatrains (four-line stanzas) with a consistent ABAB rhyme scheme. This structure provides a sense of rhythm and symmetry, enhancing the poem's musicality.
  2. Lyrical Language: Victor Hugo employs lyrical language and vivid imagery to convey the lover's passionate emotions. The use of metaphors and similes, such as comparing the beloved's hair to golden corn, evokes sensory experiences that resonate with readers.
  3. Metaphorical Journey: The poem's central metaphor—the leaf carried by the wind—serves as a powerful symbol of the lover's desire to be close to their beloved. This metaphor creates a sense of movement and urgency throughout the poem.


  1. Nature's Allure: "The Lover's Wish" celebrates the allure of the natural world, portraying it as a realm of freedom and beauty. The leaf's journey through forests, valleys, and landscapes highlights the lover's desire to connect with the beloved in a setting imbued with natural splendor.
  2. Romantic Ecstasy: The poem conveys a heightened sense of romantic ecstasy and longing. The lover's wish to rest in the beloved's golden tresses and become a part of their radiant beauty reflects the intensity of their emotions.
  3. The Unattainable Beloved: While the poem expresses profound desire, it also hints at the lover's longing as unattainable. The lover's wish to become a single frail gem in the beloved's hair suggests a desire for closeness that may remain elusive.

"The Lover's Wish" by Victor Hugo is a passionate and evocative exploration of love, desire, and the transformative power of nature. Through its lyrical language and vivid imagery, the poem captures the essence of romantic longing, celebrating the beauty of the beloved and the irresistible allure of the natural world. Hugo's work continues to resonate with readers, inviting them to embark on a metaphorical journey of love and desire that transcends time and place.

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