9 Stanzas Poem

Sir Richard's Song (Poem by Rudyard Kipling)

Sir Richard's Song (A.D. 1066) By  Rudyard Kipling I followed my Duke ere I was a lover,     To take from England fief and fee; But now this game…

The Lover to His Lass (Poem by Duncan Campbell Scott)

The Lover to His Lass By  Duncan Campbell Scott Crown her with stars, this angel of our planet, Cover her with morning, this thing of pure delight, M…

The Galley Slave (Poem by Rudyard Kipling)

The Galley Slave By  Rudyard Kipling Oh, gallant was our galley from her carven steering-wheel To her figurehead of silver and her beak of hammered s…

The Miracles (Poem by Rudyard Kipling)

The Miracles By  Rudyard Kipling I  sent a message to my dear —  A thousand leagues and more to her —  The dumb sea-levels thrilled to hear, And lost…

The Hippopotamus (Poem by Thomas Stearns Eliot)

The Hippopotamus By  Thomas Stearns Eliot     Similiter et omnes revereantur Diaconos, ut     mandatum Jesu Christi; et Episcopum, ut Jesum     Chris…

That Day (Poem by Rudyard Kipling)

That Day By  Rudyard Kipling It got beyond all orders an' it got beyond all 'ope;     It got to shammin' wounded an' retirin' fro…

Brookland Road (Poem by Rudyard Kipling)

Brookland Road By  Rudyard Kipling I was very well pleased with what I knowed, I reckoned myself no fool —  Till I met with a maid on the Brookland R…

Still be a Child (Poem by Victor Hugo)

Still be a Child By  Victor Hugo In youthful spirits wild,     Smile, for all beams on thee; Sport, sing, be still the child,     The flower, the hon…

Canada's Resources (Poem by James McIntyre)

Canada's Resources By  James McIntyre Small Scotland nobly held its own Against the might of England's throne, And shall this land with its v…

United by Steel Rails (Poem by James McIntyre)

United by Steel Rails By  James McIntyre When Indian tribes in the Northwest Rebelled against the Eastern laws, Canadian courage it did test, All wer…

Bear and Falls (Poem by James McIntyre)

Bear and Falls By  James McIntyre Strange incidents do happen ever On the famed Niagara river, This thought to mind it now recalls Event three miles …
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