11 Stanzas Poem

Consider the Lilies of the Field (Poem by William Hodgson Ellis)

Consider the Lilies of the Field By  William Hodgson Ellis O weary child of toil and care, Trembling at every cloud that lowers, Come and behold how …

Sweeney Erect (Poem by Thomas Stearns Eliot)

Sweeney Erect By  Thomas Stearns Eliot                         And the trees about me,     Let them be dry and leafless; let the rocks     Groan with…

Eddi's Service (Poem by Rudyard Kipling)

Eddi's Service (A.D. 687) By  Rudyard Kipling Eddi, priest of St. Wilfrid     In the chapel at Manhood End, Ordered a midnight service     For su…

King Henry VII (Poem by Rudyard Kipling)

King Henry VII And The Shipwrights By  Rudyard Kipling Harry, our King in England, from London town is gone, And comen to Hamull on the Hoke in the c…

On the Death of Sir James Hunter Blair (Poem by Robert Burns)

On the Death of Sir James Hunter Blair By  Robert Burns The lamp of day, with ill-presaging glare,     Dim, cloudy, sunk beneath the western wave; Th…

Don Rodrigo (Poem by Victor Hugo)

Don Rodrigo By Victor Hugo "Don Roderique est à la chasse" Unto the chase Rodrigo's gone, With neither lance nor buckl…

On Hearing the Princess Royal Sing (Poem by Victor Hugo)

On Hearing the Princess Royal [1] Sing By  Victor Hugo In thine abode so high     Where yet one scarce can breathe, Dear child, most tenderly     A …

The Host of the Air (Poem by William Butler Yeats)

The Host of the Air By William Butler Yeats O’driscoll drove with a song The wild duck and the drake From the tall and the tufted reeds…

A Pæan (Poem by Edgar Allan Poe)

A Pæan By  Edgar Allan Poe (1) How shall the burial rite be read? The solemn song be sung? The requiem for the loveliest dead, That ever died so youn…

On Receiving a Curious Shell (Poem by John Keats)

On Receiving a Curious Shell, and a Copy of Verses, from the Ladies By  John Keats Hast thou from the caves of Golconda, a gem     Pure as the ice-dr…
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